Monday, June 28, 2010

The Second Quality: They are Optimistic

They always expect the best outcome out of every situation. 
Even when they don’t get what they want, they don’t regard it as a failure. 
They recover quickly from setbacks and mistakes. 
They never see a situation as permanent. 
They see the world as supportive.

Now, please take your time and go through these next five steps. Be clear and specific.
  1. How can you consistently focus on success?
    • You need to set very clear goals. Begin with the end in mind. Be very clear on your desired outcomes! Use an effective goal setting strategy. I use the "SMART" one. Which one you use?
    • Do you ever rehearse for your success? Create a Winner's mind set today!
      • Combine positive affirmations and creative visualizations of success before taking on any task or project. It works for Olympic athletes, so why not use it for the "competitive events" in your life?
  2. How are you learning from every experience?
    • Bitter or better?
  3. How can you expand your resilience?
    • How do you manage your ability to come back?
  4. How do you stay positive in the face of setbacks?
    • How do you react?
      • I have in my office posted Tom Hopkins' "The Champion Creed":
        • "I am not judged by the number of times I fail, but by the number of times I succeed. And the number of times I succeed is in direct proportion to the number of times I can fail and keep trying."  Every time I'm going through some demanding stuff, I look up to this creed, calm down and smile.
  5. Who is in your network to help you win?
    • Whom do you call first?
"Before anything else, preparation is the key to success." ~ Alexander Graham Bell
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      Wednesday, June 16, 2010

      Welcome to Canada!

      Like You, I came to Canada with my family and with the cultural values from my country of origin, my hopes and my dreams. Same as You, I asked myself: "Is this the right time to be here? Am I doing the right thing? How can I connect with the right people to advance my career and to make friends?"

      Newcomers have many challenges to face when they try to find employment in Canada. The impact of cultural differences in recruiting and the misunderstandings can lead immigrants to be unsuccessful in their job search for reasons unrelated to their ability to perform the job in question. One of the biggest challenges is the fact that the majority of the jobs are filled through internal posting and internal referrals. All these are a real issue!

      My friends and I, are willing to guide you to become better prepared to overcome the adaptation challenges in Canada, and to achieve your goals. Can you imagine how is it when you feel confident and prepared because you have the "tools"?

      I remember, it took me a few months, maybe more than that, to understand the meaning of "Don't take it personally!" in the Canadian reality. Then, I learned about how to become a better communicator by being assertive, and not appearing aggressive when communicating with others. Later on, I learned about the "wrap your feedback in four-layers of paper" concept, and I noticed amazing results when I applied it in my communication . And so on... I became a student of people, psychology, management and change.

      Today, I am serving my community... in ways that reflect my commitment to co-workers, customers, and friends; and show my appreciation for the help and support they and the community have given me. My objective is to help, encourage and inspire others to succeed in their undertaking! 

      You are in Canada by the "power of your choice", and you have the power to choose whatever your heart wants in Canada. You can choose to continue to work in your field or you can follow some other old or new dream and make it come through. YOU choose what to focus on, and you are what you think about yourself. Your beliefs about the world, make your reality. Your words are your truth.

      Choose to become highly successful IEP!!
      I recommend you don't skip any of the steps presented here. Each of the steps is essential to developing an action plan that works.During our time together today, naturally, you'll begin experiencing excitement about what the future holds for you as you begin to understand how easily leverageable this information is for you.

      Have fun and be happy now! See you next week.

      "No matter what situation you are in right now, there is a purpose to that situation…. By working with the specific conditions in front of you, you will begin to discover things about yourself that will give you clues to the next step. Your job will be to look, listen, feel, choose, and act." ~ Carol Adrienne

      Failure to tap into immigrants' skills costs billions
      Going to Canada
      Working in Canada
      Professional Networks for Immigrants