They learn everything they can about the system and what’s required to succeed. Then they constantly adapt, even faster than their local counterparts.
Now, please take your time and go through these next five steps. Be clear and specific.
- Do you fully understand your industry and work environment?
- What are you doing to be up-to-date with the changes in your industry?
- Can you talk knowledgeably about your industry?
- How are you preparing yourself?
- Do you empathize with your employers’ challenges?
- Are you approaching the job search in the traditional/old way, or you are oriented to the needs and wants of YOUR customer, which is your prospective employer? What you must be is a solution to the needs and problems which that organization is facing. Be creative and look for the opportunity to position yourself as a solution to some need that an organization faces. Stop and relax.... breathe and imagine yourself in the realities of the company you want to work for. Creatively find ways of talking and learning from the company's employees and managers about the culture and norms of their organization - talk with their suppliers, customers and even competitors. You will be able to describe their challenges and needs as well as or better than themselves. Now, you can position yourself - your unique background, skills, education, experience and talents - in the context of their needs.
- Are you proactive and think of all you can do to shift your career or your business life forward?
- Did you conduct a targeted research to identify industries and positions of interest?
- Do you have a list of companies to focus on?
- How are you going to network your way into those companies?
- How are you going to learn about "hidden" job openings?
- Are you happy with your brand presence? Are you showing how valuable you are for decision makers?
- How are you adapting to change?
- As a newcomer, you know "change"! How will you react to that change? Do you understand that change is opportunity? How will you take advantage of that opportunity?
- How are you showing others how to manage change?
- You want to be a model of what's possible.
"Change how you see yourself and create an opportunity for others to see you differently." ~Roger Ellerton
"NLP may well be the most important vehicle for change in existence" ~ Modern Psychology Magazine